What is SSI?
Save Salt Island (SSI) is a rapidly expanding group of hundreds of local citizens who are committed to Salt Island remaining in a natural state for its scenic, ecological, historical, economic and recreational value to Cape Ann and beyond.
SSI and FOGH work in alliance for the preservation of Salt Island.
Friends of Good Harbor, Inc. (FOGH) is a citizen-based organization dedicated to environmental preservation, restoration, and enhancement of the Good Harbor beach, marsh, and watershed. Initially, representing the neighborhoods abutting Good Harbor, FOGH has expanded to include the larger community of Gloucester and Cape Ann.
Salt Island is irreplaceable.
Let’s save it.
Our Mission
To ensure that Salt Island is preserved in its natural state in perpetuity with free and open access for the public to explore, cherish and enjoy.
Our Vision
That Salt Island is preserved in perpetuity in its natural state with no fences or other structures to ensure that the island’s ecological and aesthetic value is protected and that the public's long-standing access to and across the island by foot via the naturally occurring sand bar (tombolo) is retained for recreational purposes.